There are several types and sources of parasites in our communities, and while they can't necessarily be avoided, many can be protected against with routine medication. The following are the main parasites your cat or dog should be protected against, since they may come in contact with them when about and about in your area (or even your home):
- Heartworms (which are transmitted via mosquitos and grow in the blood vessels of the hearts and lungs)
- Tapeworms (which are transmitted via fleas and grow in the intestines)
- Fleas (which can transmit tapeworm, Bartonella, aka "cat scratch disease," among other diseases or skin issues)
- Ticks (which can transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other diseases)
The above-mentioned parasites are like little freeloaders that leech nutrients and vitality from your pet. They can lead to health complications ranging from mild to severe, including itchiness, skin infections (hot spots), lethargy, anemia, pain, malnutrition, respiratory problems, and even organ failure or death.